Τα "ΚΤΗΡΙΑ ΕΝ ΤΑΞΗ" είναι ένα απολύτως νόμιμο & αδειοδοτημένο μεσιτικό γραφείο εγγεγραμμένο στο Σύλλογο Μεσιτών Αθηνών, με έδρα την Αθήνα, το οποίο δεσμεύεται να παρέχει επαγγελματικές υπηρεσίες στους πολύτιμους πελάτες μας όχι μόνο από την Ελλάδα αλλά και από όλο τον κόσμο, επιτρέποντας τους να επιτύχουν τις υψηλότερες προσδοκίες τους όσον αφορά τις απαιτήσεις τους σε ακίνητα.
Τα "ΚΤΗΡΙΑ ΕΝ ΤΑΞΗ" μέσα από μια μεγάλη ποικιλία από στενά επιλεγμένα ακίνητα προσφέρουν εξαιρετικές υπηρεσίες για οποιουσδήποτε οικιστικούς, εμπορικούς, επενδυτικούς σκοπούς. Μία από τις προτεραιότητές μας είναι να αναλύουμε πάντα το νομικό καθεστώς καθενός από τα ακίνητα, με αποτέλεσμα την αποφυγή τυχόν επιπλοκών και κινδύνων για τους μελλοντικούς αγοραστές μας. Φιλοδοξία μας είναι να παρέχουμε υποστήριξη και να επιτύχουμε όλους τους στόχους του Real estate.
ΠΩΛΗΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΕΝΟΙΚΙΑΣΕΙΣ – σας προσφέρουμε ένα ευρύ φάσμα ακινήτων προς πώληση, μακροχρόνιες ενοικιάσεις ή ενοικιάσεις διακοπών. Ανακαλύπτουμε το πιο επιθυμητό ακίνητο με στόχο την ικανοποίηση των αναγκών των πελατών.
Όποια κι αν είναι η επιθυμία σας είτε αυτό είναι η αγορά κύριας ή εξοχικής κατοικίας, επένδυση ενοικίασης, ,ανάπτυξη ή ενοικίαση, τα ΚΤΗΡΙΑ ΕΝ ΤΑΞΗ είναι ο συνεργάτης που σας βοηθά στην πορεία προς αυτή τη σημαντική απόφαση να ξεκινήσετε μια νέα επένδυση σε ακίνητα στην Ελλάδα ,την συντήρησή & διαχείριση του με έμπειρο και τεχνικά καταρτισμένο προσωπικό. Ότι ακίνητο σας ενδιαφέρει από ένα αγροτεμάχειο, διαμέρισμα , ολόκληρη πολυκατοικία, ξεναδοχείο ή εμπορικό κέντρο, τα ΚΤΗΡΙΑ ΕΝ ΤΑΞΗ και η Διευθύνων σύμβουλος Μαρία Λαλιώτη θα σας βοηθήσουν να κάνετε την πιό σωστή επιλογή για εσάς.

Greece is the right place to invest. Has excellent climate , friendly and hospitable residents,well growing economy , excellent investment opportunities but most of all you can get the GREEK GOLDEN VISA.
What Is Greek Golden Visa?
Launched in 2013, the Greek Golden Visa Program grants a five-year residence permit in exchange for as low as a €250,000 real estate investment in Greece. You can include your family in the residency program. The Greek Golden Visa allows you to live in Greece and travel across the Schengen region, without a visa. KTIRIA EN TAXI is commited to help families find the right property in Greece and get their Golden Visa, with their expertise in the market. Take the first few steps of your journey by finding out just what the Greek Golden Visa program is, who is eligible to apply, what are the investment requirements, and all the other details before you make a decision. Let’s get the ball rolling.
In order to qualify for a Golden Visa in Greece, you must meet the following requirements:
Be a non-EU/EEA country citizen
Be at least 18 years of age
Have a clean criminal record
Have medical insurance for yourself and your family
Be of good character
Greece Golden Visa investments requirements
The Prime Minister of Greece, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, has announced an increase in the minimum investment for the Greek Golden Visa program from 250,000 EUR to 500,000 EUR. The Greek Golden Visa program’s minimum investment has increased to 500,000 EUR, effective May 1st, 2023. Greek Golden Visa change applies geographical limits to real estate investments, affecting properties in specific municipalities in Athens, Thessaloniki, Mykonos, and Santorini.
Investors who have already paid a 10% deposit on a property before April 30th, 2023, will be able to complete the transaction and still apply under the old 250,000 EUR scheme. As of 2021, you no longer need to visit Greece in person in order to start your application. Investors are now allowed to sign a Power of Attorney in their country, without visiting Greece, provided it is certified or authorized by a competent Greek Consulate.
Investors in areas with a threshold of 500,000 EUR will only be able to invest in one property, while those in areas with a threshold of 250,000 EUR will still have the option to invest in multiple properties.
If you chose to proceed with the purchase of a property:
The real estate property must be owned by and still in possession of you;
If you’ve acquired the property through a legal entity, you must own 100% of the company shares.
If you’ve opted to sign a lease of hospitality accommodation:
The contract must cover a minimum duration of 10 years and €250,000 in rental amount;
The contract must require a single payment of the rent for the equivalent of the ten-year leasing of the property.
You may renew your Golden Visa residence permit every five years. You must fulfill the above conditions to be able to renew at the end of each five years.
Greek Golden Visa Benefits
Right To Live in Greece
Visa-Free Travel With Greek Residence Permit
Family Reunification
Low Investment Threshold in a Promising Real Estate Market
The Double Taxation Treaty
Right To Live in Greece
The Greek Golden Visa allows you and your family to live in Greece. There is no limitation to how long you can stay. As a matter of fact, there is no minimum stay requirement either. The right to live in Greece comes with public healthcare and education benefits as well.
Visa-Free Travel With Greece Residence Permit
The Golden Visa gives you the freedom to travel across the Schengen zone without the need for an additional visa. The Schengen zone consists of 26 European countries that have officially abolished visas and border control at their mutual borders.
Family Reunification
Can your family join you? They sure can. The residence scheme allows you to include your spouse and children under the age of 21 in the program. This means that all these family members can also receive and enjoy all the benefits of a Golden Visa card. In addition to the other Golden Visa programs, the Greek program provides an Extended Family benefit. This means that the principal applicant’s parents and parents-in-law can also receive cards without any further requirements.
Low Investment Threshold in a Promising Real Estate Market
Among the Golden Visa programs in Europe, Greece has the lowest investment threshold. You can invest as low as €250,000 in Greek real estate in order to qualify for the program except in municipalities in Athens, Thessaloniki, Mykonos, and Santorini after May 1st, 2023. The Greek property market took a big hit in the 2008 financial crisis and suffered for more than a decade. As of 2022, the Greek real estate market is expected to adjust in an upward trend.
The Double Taxation Treaty
Depending on your country of residence and the amount of time you spend in Greece, it is likely that your international income may not be subject to taxation in Greece. In that case, you may maintain your business activities outside of Greece and enjoy some tax benefits. Greece also provides tax benefits to foreigners living in the country as tax residents. There are different incentive programs for retirees, digital nomads, and other particular expat segments. Make sure and check with your certified financial advisor to see if you can benefit from any of these incentives.
Greek Golden Visa Highlights
Minimum Investment Amount: €250,000
Processing Time: Six months
Minimum Stay Requirement: None
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